The Central Waikato Predator Free Hub (CWPFH) is a coalition of groups and agencies working towards predator-free outcomes for the central Waikato region.
The Hub aims to improve the effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the community groups working for predator control in central Waikato through improving funding opportunities, building people power and collaborating on planning and impact assessment. Membership of the coalition is open to any hapū, iwi, group, agency or collective that shares the vision and working principles of CWPFH. The CWPFH is a Go Eco project supported by a steering group.
Coordination and support at a landscape scale is crucial for Predator Free groups to achieve their mahi and reach their goals.
Our geographic scope is centred on the Hamilton basin, which is broadly bounded by the Hākarimata Ranges to the northwest, Pirongia to the southwest, and the Kaimai Ranges to the east.
Number of groups:
There are approximately 60 public and private sites actively and regularly managed by volunteer trappers across the region.
Number of traps:
There are over 3000 traps primarily to target the main predators to our native fauna (rats, stoats and possums). Weasels, ferrets, hedgehogs and feral cats may also be trapped by groups.
Pests trapped:
Most trapping results are recorded using the app by groups. To date over 15,500 pests (and counting!) have been trapped by these groups.
Predator Free Groups
From community-wide initiatives to grassroots neighbourhood efforts, a variety of trapping networks operate throughout the Central Waikato region. Whether you’re keen to join an established team or are interested in spearheading a new trapping network in an area not yet covered, we’re here to support you every step of the way!
You can contact us directly to start a new group in your area or contact one of the established groups. Email:
Bush to Burbs
A rural landscape project protecting the spillover of birds from
Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari to Cambridge. This community driven
project encourages landowners to undertake trapping on their own
properties with funding for traps from the Natural Heritage Fund
(Waikato Regional Council). Email -
The Fairfield Project
The Fairfield Project is an urban biodiversity and gully restoration
project centered in the diverse community of Fairfield in Hamilton. Our
ongoing kaupapa is to provide educational opportunities for all ages
alongside the restoration of the culturally and ecologically significant
Kukutaaruhe Gully. Email -
Friends of Barrett Bush
Barrett Bush Reserve is one of the disestablished Tui 2000 Inc projects.
The bush is enhanced and maintained by a dedicated group of around 10
Friends of Barrett Bush. The 5ha reserve is located at Koromatua south
west of Hamilton and is a lowland forest remnant surrounded in farmland. -
Friends of Mangaonua
Our aim is to support the work of Hamilton City Council and Ngāti Hauā
Mahi Trust in the restoration of the native plants and animals of the
gully. Our vision is to help bring back the original plant biodiversity,
create a habitat for creatures and a nice place for people. Email Tracey -
Friends of Seeley Gully
Seeley Gully Trust lead an informal network of mostly locals who
treasure a special inner city gully of native trees. The gully was
gifted to the people of Hamilton by Dr Alwyn J Seeley. Hamilton City
Council are the primary carers and the Friends of Seeley Gully and the
Trustees do a range of additional work to enhance the restoration
efforts. Email Neville Robertson -
Kakepuku Mountain Conservation Society (DoC)
The Kakepuku Mountain Conservation Society was established in 1995 and
consists of highly dedicated volunteers who engage in pest management
activities throughout the year to reduce the impact of pests on the
forest and native bird populations on Kakepuku. Email -
Mangaiti Gully
The goal is to restore the native flora of upper Mangaiti Gully,
Hamilton, New Zealand, back to pre European status and to sustainably
manage it in such a way that native fauna will re establish, either
naturally or by introduction. Email</a > -
Mangakotukutuku Gully
The Mangakotukutuku gully is one of the four major gully systems in
Kirikiriroa, running through Glenview/ Melville. The vision for this
gully is to create an environment rich in native biodiversity, weekly
working bees focus on restoration and predator control. Email Aimee
Nooyen -
National Wetland Trust
The National Wetland Trust plans to build a state-of-the-art
interpretation centre, at Rotopiko/Lake Serpentine, with research and
educational facilities, wetland gardens, heritage trails and a pest-free
wildlife haven. Pest eradication and habitat restoration has begun to
create a safe haven for native wildlife, including North Island
fernbird, spotless crake, Australasian bittern and long-tailed bats.
Email -
New Zealand Forest Restoration Trust
The Native Forest Restoration Trust is dedicated to protecting New
Zealand’s native forests and wetlands. Not just for today, but for
generations to come. The Trust was formed in 1980 when a group of people
got together to protest the felling of giant totara in Pureora Forest.
Our ethos remains the same as it was back then – if we all come
together, we can achieve extraordinary things. And we have achieved
extraordinary things. Today, the Trust manages over 8,000 hectares of
reserves, protected forever for all New Zealanders to enjoy. Email Mike
Paviour -
Predator Free Cambridge
Providing support to Cambridge residents to remove introduced predators
from their backyards. Traps can be purchased from the Cambridge i-site.
There are over 20 traplines around public reserves and walkways with
almost 70 volunteer trappers involved to remove rats, stoats and possums
to help protect the pekapeka (bats) and other native species in the
area. Email -
Predator Free Hakiramata
This group has been set up by community members concerned about the
degraded condition of the Hakarimata ranges. Our aim is to protect our
native Flora & Fauna by removing introduced predators: rats,
possums, mustelids, wild cats from the maunga. Email Greg -
Predator Free Matamata
Predator Free Matamata was formed to support the goals of Predator Free
New Zealand to eradicate pests such as rats, stoats, possums, weasels
and ferrets from New Zealand by 2050 and thereby protect our native
forests, birds, lizards and bats. Email -
Predator Free Morrinsville
Following the recent discovery of pekapeka-tou-roa (native long-tailed
bats) in Morrinsville; a community network is being established to help
give them and other native wildlife a fighting chance against predators.
Email Norm Mason -
Predator Free Mystery Creek
A Community Hub for predator control in the Mystery Creek area for
neighbours of Mystery Creek. Email Janine -
Predator Free Pirongia
A local dedicated group of volunteers managing their traplines along
Pirongia Esplanade and Mātakitaki pā. Email -
Predator Free Tamahere
Helping our community remove possums, rats and stoats from the Tamahere
rohe to increase indigenous birds, insects and plants. Predator Free
Tamahere acknowledges Ngāti Hauā as mana whenua of this area. Email -
Predator Free Te Awamutu (and Kihikihi)
Predator free Te Awamutu, aiming to clear the mangapiko of rats and
other areas, encourage backyard trapping and record stats on birdlife
and catches. Email -
Predator Free Te Miro.
A group undertaking predator control in the Te Miro Mountain Bike Park.
Email Jude Tisdall -
Piako Catchment Forum
Piako Catchment Forum is a community led group focused on the
restoration of the Piako Catchment and its local community. We believe
in open communication, networking and education which uphold the
mana/integrity of our natural environment and community. Email -
Pirongia Te Aroaro o Kahu Restoration Society
Pirongia Te Aroaro o Kahu Restoration Society Inc was formed as a result
of community interest in the ecological restoration of Mt Pirongia. It
evolved from a joint Department of Conservation and community focus
group (set up in 1997). Email -
Pest Free Riverlea
A group based in and around Riverlea that cares for the local
environment. Email Justine -
Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari
Sanctuary Mountain is an ecosanctuary home to many of New Zealand’s most
endangered native species. Email -
Taiea Te Taiao Ecological Corridor
The Pirongia to Maungatautari ecological corridor project – Taiea te
Taiao Mā Mangapiko, mai i Maungatautari ki Pirongia ahu ake – Cherish
the environment following the Mangapiko, from Maungatautari to Pirongia
and beyond. Email Bexie -
Te Kowhai Community Group
A group to enhance the social, physical, environmental and cultural
well-being of the residents of the wider Te Kowhai community. Email -
Te Pahu Landcare Group
Vision: To protect and enhance Te Pahū’s natural indigenous environment
and recreational opportunities through community awareness and
involvement for the benefit and enjoyment of everyone. Email Nardene -
Transformation from the Roots Up
The group meets on a regular basis to undertake various environmental
conservation activities within the park to recreate a ‘Kahikatea forest’
e.g. planting native plants, releasing planted plants, mulching. They
are working with the local community i.e. Kirikiriroa Marae, Knighton
school, and other volunteers to plant and establish a mixed podocarp
forest (kahikatea, matai, rimu, totara etc.) as part of the ‘bush
corridor’ linking the city to the river. Email Shepard -
Wrights Bush Restoration Group
A small remnant of native bush being restored by local landowners.
Email Rob & Wendy Hos
Getting started
Before you begin trapping it’s always a good idea to know what you are trapping for and the best methods to catch them.
DoC’s Practical guide to trapping provides up-to-date knowledge on pest behaviour, trap specifications and trapping methods.
For assistance in using kill traps have a read of Bionet’s kill-trap guide
For more species specific trapping information regarding specific animals, check out the guides on:
Check out the Predator Free New Zealand Trust season trapping calendar to let you know how to tailor your trapping to seasonal and environmental changes
Where can I get a trap?
Grab a trap in-store at Go Eco in Frankton, Hamilton or shop online here. We provide a variety of traps to help catch rats, stoats, weasels, hedgehogs and possums!
If you’re interested in using toxins on PRIVATE property, check out the following information from Predator Free NZ here. This covers a summary of toxins available for public purchase and how to SAFELY use bait and bait stations.
For some more in depth information, check out the guides on vertebrate toxin guide using toxic bait and a how-to on using bait stations.
ALWAYS read the health and safety and toxicity information for your personal and environmental safety!
Recording catches
Trap.NZ is the most commonly used national platform to record catches, bait take, biodiversity monitoring and more! It’s important to consistently make these recordings to determine the monitoring and effectiveness of trapping and toxins .This in turn assists with evidence-based decision making for further planning and allocation of resources.
To register and add yourself on the website follow this link: then add yourself to the Central Waikato Predator Free Hub project or find your local group to join their project
The following are some Trap.NZ guides to assist you with getting set up and using the app: Getting started & Administration
Starting a new group
If you’re interested in starting your own trapping group, please contact for assistance and support.
Also check out the Group Toolkit by Predator Free NZ
This guide covers: getting started, management and communication, fundraising, funding and grants, governance and adding your group to the national map.
Our Partners
Thanks to those who provide(d) money for a specific purpose

Thanks to those who contribute to our mahi

Thanks to those work with us
DoC, NZ Autotraps, Connovations, Envirotools, Key Industries, & NZ Landcare Trust
We are always looking for more partners for the Central Waikato Predator Free Hub and our groups’ mahi. Please get in touch if you would like to work with us. Email