16 in stock
Protect native birds and wildlife in your backyard by doing predator control. Removing stoats and rats from your backyard can help increase the native wildlife and you’ll be contributing towards the Predator Free 2050 goal.
A cost effective and lightweight alternative to the DOC150 and DOC200 in a wooden box. A Victor trap that has been adapted to include a plastic bait shroud that ensures rats and stoats interact with the trap and lure from the most effective direction and are despatched humanely.
Instructions on how to set your trap are included.
Passed NAWAC (National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee) testing.
Measurements: Tunnel specs will vary from box to box. All under 2.5kg, and approx 45 x 22 x 17cm in size.
The boxes are made by the Mens Shed with recycled wood and designed to prevent children, pets and non-target predators from accessing the trap.
More info follow Predator Free Hamilton
Please note – For now traps are pick up only from Hamilton.